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Today in Texas History: Court strikes down sodomy law
The Houston Chronicle
6/26/2010 "On this date in 2003, the Supreme Court, in a landmark decision, repealed Texas' 'Homosexual Conduct' law, in a 6-3 decision, declaring laws against sodomy unconstitutional.

Equality Revoked: Lambda Legal asks a court to restore domestic-partner benefits for state employees
Tuscon Weekly
7/1/2010 "The last time the state of Arizona seemed even remotely forward-thinking was in the fall of 2008, when then-Gov. Janet Napolitano approved benefits for all domestic partners of state employees.

Transgender woman wins federal lawsuit against Georgia General Assembly
The GA Voice
7/6/2010 "A federal judge ruled late Friday that the Georgia General Assembly illegally discriminated against Vandy Beth Glenn, a transgender woman, by firing her from her job as a legislative editor when she announced her plan to transition from male to female.

Hawaii Governor Vetoes Bill to Allow Same-Sex Unions
The Wall Street Journal
7/7/2010 "In a controversial last-minute decision, Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle Tuesday vetoed legislation that would have allowed same-sex civil unions in her state. The move was a setback for gay rights groups, and once again thrust Hawaii onto the frontlines of the national battle over gay marriage.

Lingle vetoes civil-unions bill
Honolulu Star Advertiser
"Gov. Linda Lingle vetoed a civil-unions bill yesterday after concluding it was the equivalent to marriage, which she believes should be reserved for a man and a woman.

Federal judge rules in favor of state Capitol aide fired for gender changered for gender change
Atlanta Journal Constitution
7/7/2010 "A federal court has ruled in favor of a former Georgia state legislative aide who claimed she was fired after telling her boss she would come to work dressed as woman as she transitioned from man to woman.

Log Cabin DADT Trial Begins
The Advocate
7/13/2010 "Calling the discriminatory policy 'one of the most pressing civil rights issues in our great country today,' attorneys challenging 'don't ask, don't tell' in federal court said Tuesday the U.S. government has no legitimate basis for maintaining the ban on gay soldiers serving openly in the armed forces.

Gay-marriage lawsuits escalate
USA Today
7/13/2010 "The outcome of any case could depend on Justice Anthony Kennedy, author of the major gay-rights rulings and the pivotal vote on the court.

Gay marriage opponents, supporters face off in NJ
6ABC Action News (Philadelphia)

Arizona law to deny gay benefits blocked
The Arizona Republic
7/24/2010 "A federal judge has blocked Arizona from denying family health insurance to employees' same-sex partners, saying the state violated the equal-protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.
