Recent Victories

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Case seeking to reverse a Michigan trial court ruling that violated the Full Faith and Credit clause by making three adopted children legal orphans in the state.
Case representing Texas lesbian denied the opportunity to interview for a permanent teaching position at a Texas community college.
Federal lawsuit filed on behalf of a transgender woman fired from her job as a Legislative Editor after she stated her intention to live as a woman in accordance with her health care providers' recommendations.
Federal case seeking spousal health benefits for lesbian employee of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Case seeking to remove custody restriction forcing a same-sex couple to live separately in order to retain custody of a child
Man fired from a Subway restaurant after disclosing his HIV status
A federal case challenging California's discriminatory ballot measure, Prop 8, which eliminated same-sex couples' right to marry in that state.
Case arguing for joint adoption by same-sex couples
Case representing HIV positive man denied kidney transplant.
Case seeking custodial rights for a non-biological mother whose ex-partner used Ohio's constitutional amendment in an attempt to have her barred from seeing her children.
Case arguing that a doctor cannot refuse to perform surgery on a man because of his HIV status
