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Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Says Justice Alito Likely Will Tip High Court to the Right but Vows Progress

(New York, January 31, 2006) — Lambda Legal Executive Director Kevin Cathcart on the confirmation of the nomination of Judge Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court:

“Lambda Legal voiced very serious concerns about the track record of now — Justice Samuel Alito and therefore opposed his nomination.

Lambda Legal Launches Multimedia Blitz Focusing on Harrah's Firing of a Veteran Bartender Who Refused to Wear Mandatory Make-up

(Reno, Nevada, January 30, 2006) — Lambda Legal today announced a multimedia campaign blitz — targeting gamblers, the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the general public — to draw attention to a federal lawsuit against Harrah’s Casino for firing a 21-year bartender, Darlene Jespersen, because she refused to make up her face every day to match a photo given to her by Harrah’s.

ACLU and Lambda Legal Challenge Law Barring Transgender People Access to Medical Treatment in Prison

(Milwaukee, WI, January 24, 2006) — Lambda Legal and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit today in federal court on behalf of two transgender women challenging a Wisconsin law that bars them from access to appropriate medical treatment while they are incarcerated.  

ACLU and Lambda Legal Challenge Law Barring Transgender People Access to Medical Treatment in Prison

(Milwaukee, WI, January 24, 2006) — Lambda Legal and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit today in federal court on behalf of two transgender women challenging a Wisconsin law that bars them from access to appropriate medical treatment while they are incarcerated.

Religious and Civil Rights Groups Support Same-Sex Couples in Legal Battle to Marry

(San Francisco, California, January 10, 2006) In eight amicus briefs filed Monday with the California Court of Appeal, more than more than 250 religious and civil rights organizations urged the court to put an end to state laws that deny same-sex couples the protections of marriage. The Court is hearing the State’s appeal of the March 2005 decision by San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer, which held that California’s current statutory ban on marriage of same-sex couples violates the California Constitution.

New Jersey Supreme Court Set to Hear Oral Arguments in Lambda Legal's Lawsuit Seeking Marriage for Same-Sex Couples

(Trenton, New Jersey, January 6, 2006) — Lambda Legal’s case seeking marriage for same-sex couples in New Jersey is headed to the state’s high court just in time for Freedom to Marry Week.

Louisiana Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Safeguarding Health Insurance Benefits for Same-Sex Partners of City Employees

(New Orleans, December 20, 2005) — In a ruling made public yesterday, the Court of Appeal for the Fourth Circuit of Louisiana upheld a lower court ruling protecting New Orleans’ Domestic Partnership Registry and health insurance benefits for domestic partners of the city’s employees after a legal attack from the Alliance Defense Fund, an antigay legal group.

Louisiana Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Safeguarding Health Insurance Benefits for Same-Sex Partners of City Employees

(New Orleans, December 20, 2005) — In a ruling made public yesterday, the Court of Appeal for the Fourth Circuit of Louisiana upheld a lower court ruling protecting New Orleans’ Domestic Partnership Registry and health insurance benefits for domestic partners of the city’s employees after a legal attack from the Alliance Defense Fund, an antigay legal group.

Lambda Legal Opposes the Nomination of Samuel Alito Jr. to the U.S. Supreme Court

(New York, December 12, 2005) — Saying that Samuel Alito Jr. puts his personal political agenda above the principles enshrined in the Constitution, Lambda Legal today announced its opposition to his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Statement by Kevin Cathcart, Executive Director of Lambda Legal:

New York Appellate Court Reverses Lower Court Decision That Said Barring Same-Sex Couples From Marriage Is Unconstitutional

(New York, December 8, 2005) — The New York Appellate Division, First Department (a mid-level court in the state) today overturned a lower court ruling that had found that barring same-sex couples from marriage violates the state’s constitution.
