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Tom Warnke – Media Relations Director


Samy Nemir – Public Information Officer


Tyleis Davidson – Public Information Officer


Jonathan Adams - Communications Director


Press Releases

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Lambda Legal Helps Convince Board to Reverse Decision Banning Gay Rowing Competition at Crystal Lake

(Chicago, March 8, 2006) — Last night, Crystal Lake Park District Board voted to allow the Gay Games to hold its rowing competition at Crystal Lake, reversing an earlier denial of permission. Lambda Legal staff attorney, Jim Madigan, testified before the Board on behalf of the Gay Games, arguing that the Illinois Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the use of public accommodations such as Crystal Lake.

Lambda Legal Says Schools??? Right to Protest Not Squelched by Supreme Court Decision on Solomon Amendment

(New York, March 6, 2006) — Today, the Supreme Court upheld the Solomon Amendment, which forces law schools to allow military recruiters on campus if they wish to continue receiving public federal funds. A collection of law schools sued to invalidate the law as a violation of their First Amendment rights based on their opposition to the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. While the unanimous opinion upholds the Solomon Amendment, it leaves room for students as well as the universities themselves to speak out against the military’s anti-gay policy and military recruiters.

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada Joins Lambda Legal's Campaign to Expose Harrah's Firing of a Veteran Bartender Who Said 'No' To Mandatory Make-up

(Reno, Nevada, February 27, 2006) — Lambda Legal today announced the addition of the Progressive Leadership Alliance Nevada (PLAN) to the “Shame on You Harrah’s” campaign. The campaign is focused on Harrah’s firing of a veteran bartender, Darlene Jespersen, because she objected to the casino’s strict, mandatory make-up regimen for female employees.

Coretta Scott King Memorial


It is a great honor to have this opportunity to remember and pay tribute to Mrs. King.

She was a great leader, a champion of human rights worldwide and a woman whose work and life — dedicated to civil rights, peace, and justice over many decades — gave her a moral voice and position from which to speak, all the more powerful and appreciated because of how rare a voice like hers is in our society. How rare it is for leaders to transcend the boundaries of any one movement or community and speak to a broader and higher vision of what we could be!

New Jersey Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Lambda Legal's Lawsuit Seeking Marriage for Same-Sex Couples

(Trenton, February 15, 2006) — The New Jersey Supreme Court heard arguments this morning in Lambda Legal’s case seeking marriage for same-sex couples in that state.

Oral Arguments Held in Federal Appeals Court: Lambda Legal and ACLU Urge Court to Uphold Prior Ruling Striking Down Extreme Antigay Nebraska Law Banning All Protections for Same-Sex Couples

(St. Louis, Missouri, February 13, 2006) — In oral arguments today at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, the American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal urged the court to uphold a lower court ruling which struck down the extreme antigay family law in Nebraska banning all protections for the relationships of same-sex couples.

National Coalition Announces New Initiative to Raise Profile of People of Color Who Support Marriage for Same-Sex Couples

(New York, February 13, 2006) — As polling continues to show increased support for marriage equality for same-sex couples in state after state, five national organizations today announced a new initiative to elevate communities of color who support marriage equality for same-sex couples.

Lambda Legal Reaches Settlement Agreement with Restaurant That Fired Man Because He Has HIV

(Wilmington, NC, February 6, 2006) — Lambda Legal facilitated a settlement agreement in a case in which a man with HIV, was fired from his job as a cook for a small restaurant because of his HIV status.

Intervention Rights — and Wrongs

Intervention is an important litigation tool that allows one to become a party to a lawsuit brought by others. It has significant advantages over filing an amicus curiae brief in that, unlike an amicus, an intervenor usually has a right to conduct discovery, bring motions, present oral argument and evidence, and appeal. But, in order to be entitled to intervene, one generally has to have, at minimum, a direct and immediate interest in the litigation.
