Coretta Scott King Will Address Lambda Celebration

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Civil rights activist to join lesbian & gay organization's 25th anniversary event
January 28, 1998

(CHICAGO, Wednesday, January 28, 1998) -- Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund proudly announced Wednesday that Coretta Scott King will address a celebration for the civil rights organization's 25th anniversary.

Mrs. King will be the keynote speaker, delivering the Bon Foster civil rights address, at Lambda's anniversary luncheon in Chicago on Tuesday, March 31.

"The fight for justice cannot discriminate. Mrs. King is proud to add her voice to Lambda's efforts to secure respect for the civil rights of all lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV and AIDS," said Mrs. King's assistant, Kelvin Lynn Cothren, from Atlanta.

Lambda Executive Director Kevin M. Cathcart said, "Mrs. King's tireless commitment to eliminating all forms of discrimination and to forging a united vision of a free and just society has inspired our work at Lambda for many years. We are honored that she will join us in celebrating Lambda's 25th anniversary."

Patricia M. Logue, managing attorney for Lambda's Midwest Regional Office in Chicago, added, "Mrs. King is a powerful voice for unity and against division. As we commemorate Lambda's 25th anniversary and also our fifth year in Chicago, we are proud to have Mrs. King help put that work in a broader context."

Honorary co-chair for the luncheon is Maggie Daley. Event co-chairs are Lisa Freeman, a Chicago attorney, and Steve Wakefield of the Night Ministry.

The annual Lambda luncheon and Bon Foster Memorial Civil Rights Lecture serves as an educational forum at which Lambda considers its work in the broader spectrum of civil rights struggles taking place across the nation. The lecture is named in honor of Bon Foster, a Chicago lawyer who died of AIDS in 1991 and whose generosity enabled the creation of Lambda's Midwest Regional Office.

Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund is the nation's oldest and largest legal organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV and AIDS through impact litigation, education, and public policy work. With its headquarters in New York, Lambda has regional offices in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Atlanta.

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Contact: Peg Byron, 212-809-8585 x 230, 888-987-1984 (pager); Patricia M. Logue, 312-663-4413 x 30


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