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Press Releases

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Victory! Federal Court Declares OH Ban on Recognizing Marriages of Same-Sex Couples Unconstitutional

(Cincinnati, OH,April 14, 2014) - Today, in a strongly worded ruling, a federal court in Ohio declared Ohio's ban on recognizing out-of-state marriages of same-sex couples unconstitutional in all respects. The opinion further extends "heightened scrutiny" - a high level of judicial review - to its review of the harms suffered by the children of same-sex parents when they are denied birth certificates listing both parents, and finds that the State of Ohio has no justification to discriminate against them in this way.

Lambda Legal Works to Ensure Students and Teachers Can Take Part in GLSEN’s Day of Silence

(Chicago, IL, April 11, 2014) -- For the past several years, Lambda Legal has advocated for and filed lawsuits on behalf of students who were denied the right to participate in GLSEN’s Day of Silence, the annual anti-bullying observance in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students at their schools.

Victory! Indiana Federal Court Orders Immediate Recognition of Marriage for Terminally Ill Woman and Her Wife

(Evansville, IN,April 10, 2014) — Today, a federal court in Indiana ordered the state to recognize immediately the marriage of a lesbian couple in Munster.

New Lambda Legal Resource: Nationwide Chart of Pending Marriage Equality Litigation Now Live Online

Now live on the Lambda Legal website is a chart detailing current status of marriage equality litigation nationwide.

Victory! Ohio Court Announces It Will Declare Ban on Recognition of Out of State Marriages of Same-sex Couples Unconstitutional

(Cincinnati, OH, April 4, 2014) — Today, a federal court in Ohio announced that it will declare Ohio’s ban on recognizing out of state marriages of same-sex couples unconstitutional.

Social Security Administration Updates Procedures for Transgender Spouses Following Lambda Legal Advocacy

(New York, April 2, 2014) - Yesterday, the Social Security Administration (SSA) updated its policies and procedures regarding the ability of transgender individuals to receive benefits through their spouses.

Lambda Legal Seeks Immediate Recognition of Marriage for Terminally Ill Woman and Her Wife in Indiana

(Indianapolis, IN, March 31, 2014) — Today, Lambda Legal asked a federal court to order the State of Indiana to recognize the marriage of a lesbian couple in Munster.

Lambda Legal Unveils Marriage Victory Ad Campaign on CTA Red Line in Chicago

(Chicago, IL, March 27, 2014) - Lambda Legal has unveiled a marriage victory ad campaign on the CTA Red line, making Chicago the site of the national non-profit legal organization's first transit ad campaign.

Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Case of For-Profit Companies Seeking Religious Exemption from ACA Requirements

(Washington, March 25, 2014) – The U.S. Supreme Court today heard oral arguments in two cases challenging the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that FDA-approved contraception be among the basic preventive health care services included in insurance coverage for employees.

Lambda Legal Mourns the Loss of Chicago Activist Vernita Gray

(Chicago, IL, March 19, 2014) — Late last night, after a years long battle with cancer, Chicago activist and Lambda Legal plaintiff Vernita Gray passed away at her home with her wife Patricia Ewert at her side.
