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Pelosi key to 'don't ask' deal
5/26/2010 "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a clear message on the White House's plan to change the military's 'don’t ask, don't tell' policy: Don't wait. "...'I think it's a fairly elegant solution,' said Kevin Cathcart of Lambda Legal. 'It looks like it could pass, which I was not so sure about with the broader, original repeal.'

Kids caught in gay splits: Inseminated mother disputes ex-partner’s shared custody
The Columbus Dispatch
5/24/2010 "Madison Smith has two mothers - or at least two women willing to hire a small army of lawyers to establish or slap down maternity claims. "...Camilla Taylor, a senior staff attorney for Lambda Legal, an advocacy group for gays, said Ohio law recognizes the parental rights of people who have no biological relationship with a child.

Gay couple sues over birth certificate
Des Moines Register
5/14/2010 "A same-sex couple married in Des Moines last year has filed a lawsuit against two state health department officials, after the department refused to name both women on their daughter's birth certificate. "Heather Lynn Martin Gartner, 38, and Melissa McCoy Gartner, 39, filed the Polk County lawsuit last week on behalf of their second child, who was born in September.

Gay activists applaud Kagan – tepidly
Keen News Service
5/10/2010 "Gay legal activists are applauding President Obama’s second nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court: Solicitor General Elena Kagan. But it could hardly be described as a standing ovation.

Was bite terrorism? Judge to weigh case
Detroit Free Press
5/11/2010 "A Macomb County Circuit Court judge is to decide whether to dismiss a bioterrorism charge against an HIV-positive man accused of biting his neighbor during an October brawl.

Arizona Law Hurts Us All
The Advocate
5/5/2010 "The Arizona immigration law is still alive and well... and dangerous, and Lambda Legal's Jon Davidson and Francisco Dueñas says gays and lesbians need to join the fight.

Five Reasons Why ENDA Must Pass

N.Y. Court Expands Rights of Nonbirth Parents in Same-Sex Relationships
The New York Times
5/4/2010 "New York State’s highest court somewhat expanded the rights of gay and lesbian parents on Tuesday in a narrow ruling that said nonbiological parents in same-sex relationships should be treated the same as biological parents.

Both sides of civil unions bill eagerly await Governor's decision
Hawaii News Now
5/3/2010 "Supporters and opponents of the civil unions bill are eagerly awaiting Governor Lingle's decision on whether to sign it. House Bill 444 was passed three days ago, but people on both sides of the hot-button issue say the battle isn't over. "...The measure provides gay couples the same rights and responsibilities as married couples in Hawaii.

Tennessee School Relents on "Gay" T-Shirts
The Advocate
4/20/2010 "The Nashville-area high school that sent a student home earlier this month for wearing a t-shirt that said 'I (Heart) Lady Gay Gay' has agreed to stop censoring clothing with gay messages.
